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52 Godly Mentors

A welcome to those who read the article in The Epoch Times regarding 52 Godly Mentors. For more information, please visit the mentoring site at this link. You may also use the Contact form on this site if you have a quick question or the Connect link on the 52GodlyMentors site, as well. This is the link to the original article in The Epoch Times. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mentoring
I Believe the Good Old Bible

The Good Old Bible Since I have been converted, old satan and his folks Keep bothering me with questions in the form of silly jokes. I only have one answer, and this is it, my friend: I believe the good old Bible from beginning to the end. I believe that father Adam was the first created man, That Eve was made his wife according to the Maker’s plan. They lost their home in Eden; the Lord they did offend. I believe the good … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Inspirational
Sewing, Women, and the Bible

(This is another good example of bad exegesis. If you don’t appreciate humor, move along.) Brothers and sisters, I’m here to tell you about what the Bible admonishes us about sewing. Godly women sew! Women of faith sew! Men? They need to just leave it alone. As usual, I’ll be moving around in the Holy text today. The first mention of sewing was in Genesis after Eve ate from the fruit … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, Good Examples of Bad Exegesis
Success Brings Conflict
We get a promotion, and then suddenly we encounter opposition. “God, what’s the problem?” we wonder. There’s no problem. It’s an opportunity. David had ruled for over seven years in Hebron. After the death of Ishbosheth, son of Saul, the tribes of Israel came to ask him to be king. They made a covenant together and anointed him ruler over all Israel. Shortly after that, the Philistines heard the news and gathered their armies in force to hunt him down and kill him. David did two things of note: he went down to the stronghold, and he inquired of God for direction. The first part is important because he strengthened his position against the enemy. Militarily, it did not make good sense to be in … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured
I Quit, I Think – John Taylor Gatto

I’ve taught public school for 26 years but I just can’t do it anymore. For years I asked the local school board and superintendent to let me teach a curriculum that doesn’t hurt kids, but they had other fish to fry. So I’m going to quit, I think. I’ve come slowly to understand what it is I really teach: A curriculum of confusion, class position, arbitrary justice, vulgarity, rudeness, disrespect for privacy, indifference to quality, and … Read entire article »
Filed under: Mentoring
In Memorial

Tender. Delicate. Fragile. Life. Abused, misused, or confused. Life. Sown. Grown. Not our own. Life. Two choices. Only two. A steady gaze inside with all that it can bring. Or adoration upward, obeisance to the king. Heartbeat. Stop. None. Life. No longer. Done. Brevity. Spark. Breath. Silence. Coldness. Death. All of us are headed, without question, to the grave. None among us has the power of life to save. Mercy. His Life. He gave it. Lose. Your life. To save it. The decision is yours. He gave. You can have true life. Only believe. Jesus, you are my Life. Craig Thompson I wrote this poem July 26, 1991 between 8:15-25 pm upon hearing that my good friend Lorna Dee Lavender had … Read entire article »
Filed under: Featured, Inspirational
Rules, Rulers and Rights
Romans 12 Grace and mercy are not an end to rules for conduct or an evidence that we are living perfect lives. Grace and mercy are reasons for us to obey God and the means by which God changes our hearts (the goodness of God leads you to repentance). The will of God is related to our sanctification, is related to finding our place in the body, and is something that we can know more of as we are changed in our minds. “Be not overcome of evil” ties into ch 13 — “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.” Romans 13 Paul deals here with our relationship to the outside world. Paul wrote this while living under Roman leadership and government. He knew that there are wicked rulers. Paul did … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, How to Walk with God, Inspirational
ICCM 2019 Notes and Audio

Last month my wife and I were privileged to speak at ICCM. If you would like to read through the PDFs of the slideshow while listening to the audio, you can find those here. Please note: the audio for the second session is choppy due to issues with the original recording. You can hear most of the talk, but occasionally parts of words drop or skip. ICCM 2019 Session One ICCM 2019 Session Two ICCM 2019 Session Three Audio of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Bible Studies, Featured, How to Walk with God