WalkwithGod.com » Archive for March 2012
Meditation 91

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Malachi 3:4 Have you ever heard a person say, perhaps accompanied with a wistful voice, “How come we don’t have the presence of God in our services like we used to?” Perhaps you have even been the person who asked the question. Praise and worship is part of the New Covenant version of animal sacrifices. We don’t offer sheep; rather, we offer the fruit of our lips giving thanks to Him. But … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 90

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Malachi 1:3 Who is the Lord concerned about most in His quest for purity? The answer is the sons of Levi. In the Old Testament period, these were the persons who ministered before the Lord. The spiritual health of the nation depended upon them being in right relationship with God. If the sons of Levi were dirty, the channel to God was blocked. If the channel to God were blocked, national destruction … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 89

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Malachi 3:2 Do you want to see Jesus? Do you want Him to be real to you? The experience could be more than you bargained for. All of us have our own preconceived notions as to what God is like. The Jews were no different. They were expecting a Messiah, and they generally had in mind that when He came, life would be grand and Roman (or other external) oppression would be … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 88

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Malachi 3:1 How would you like to have been John the Baptist? You can almost hear the voice now, “Your mission, should you accept it, is to be the frontrunner for the Son of God, the Messiah, the One that your countrymen have awaited for many generations.” It wasn’t quite like that, but nonetheless, the awesomeness of that responsibility must have caused John quite a bit of thought as he spent time … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 87

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Ezekiel 3:26 Q. When is it best NOT to tell the truth? A. When it is best to not speak at all. OK, it might have been a trick question, but it does bring out a point worth remembering. Sometimes, it is best to just be silent. You don’t have to always tell people when they are doing wrong. Or did you think that Jesus openly reproved every sin He ever saw committed … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 86

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 56:8 God knows when you cry. Probably one of the worst feelings a person can have is to cry alone. It’s a misery that can only be understood by experience. To have no one to lean on, no hand of comfort on your shoulder, this is to bear misery’s full load. But this is not my lot or your lot as a child of God. God knows when we cry. As a … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 85

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Ecclesiastes 11:1 You never know what is going to pay off. You just don’t know. You see, God has not given us the gift of looking into the future whenever we feel like it. If He had, it would be a lot easier. We could look at relationships, jobs, investments and every area of our life to see if it would produce the kind of fruit that we are wanting to harvest. … Read entire article »
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Meditation 84

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 143:5 How do you handle it when you are down? Do you think about your problems? Do you dwell on the bad times which seem to present themselves very easily to your mind? Try remembering the good times for a change. The psalmist here notes that it is good to remember ALL of God’s works, not just the ones which seem to confound us at times. Ponder the work of His hands. … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 83

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 143:2 A lot of people enjoy watching sports. Seeing athletes primed and ready to participate in competition brings out the desire to win and excel in each of us. But nobody likes to see a strong, mature athlete compete against a small child. There’s no fun, no real competition. Well, that’s the way it would be if God were to enter in judgment with us. There would be no competition. He is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 82

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Mark 10:51 Have you ever told God what you really want? Picture this: there’s a blind man sitting by the side of the road begging for money. He has no hope of holding a full time job in first century Israel. He hears that Jesus is coming by, and knowing that this may be his only chance at receiving a miracle from this wonder worker, he cries out. Now picture this: Jesus … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations