WalkwithGod.com » Archive for February 2012
Meditation 60

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 136:6 When we look at this scripture, there are two ways of viewing this. Either the psalmist is simply speaking of the fact that God made dry land (which is good for us since we live on it), or he is speaking by inspiration thousands of years before scientists really grasped that the continents themselves are massive floating chunks which slowly move. No matter which idea you choose, God is to … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 59

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 1:2 What do you stay up late for? For some people, their late night pasttime is playing computer games until the wee hours of the morning. Other people watch TV programs ranging from sports to talk shows. Some people stay up late for the sake of sheer anxiety. But some people stay up late at night to think about the Word of God. Have you ever done that? Have you ever just … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 58

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 1:2 So what’s a person to do? Does God simply take all the “fun” out of life? The person spoken of here does not do any of the things that sinful men would describe as fun. Does that mean he lacks fun? Not at all. God replaces sinful and morally degrading pleasure with true joys. He is able to take a man’s heart and make it a heart that takes pleasure … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 57

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 1:1 How blessed are you? There are a lot of ways that we count blessings. Sometimes we count our material possessions. Sometimes we count our health. But how about your friendships? This verse says that a person is blessed according to the type of person he hangs around. Now I know that we often look at this verse and say, “BECAUSE this man does not hang around the ungodly, he is … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 56

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 136:5 Behold the wisdom of God! Have you ever gone out on a clear night and just looked up into the sky and marveled at the millions and millions of stars up in the sky? Have you ever seen a shooting star blaze across the night sky? Have you been privileged to see an eclipse of the moon or sun? Now ask yourself what would happen if there were no order … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 55

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 147:3 The great and mighty God of the universe cares for you. The One who spoke the whole system into being and keeps it in place by His powerful Word really does care for you and your needs. When your heart is broken, know that God is the One who will heal your broken heart. God does not merely console, nor does He only offer sage advice. He can heal your … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 54

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 136:4 Most of the rest of this psalm continues with the understanding that the reader knows that he is expected to give thanks unto the Lord. Listed are numerous other reasons for giving God praise and thanksgiving. Here the writer states that God alone is the one who does great wonders. Whoa! Wait a minute. Don’t we include pyramids and buildings in the “Seven Wonders of the World?” Haven’t salesmen of … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 53

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 136:3 Yesterday we looked at verse two which describes God as the “God of gods.” Why then this apparent redundancy? Why go ahead and describe Him as the Lord of lords? The use of repetition and synonyms was very common in Eastern literature as a way of emphasizing a point. It is worth taking a moment of our time to pause and reflect on this: God is tops in all categories. He … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 52

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 136:2 The next reason that we should praise God — even when we don’t feel like it — is that He is the God of gods. This means that God is tops, the final authority, the Boss. He has the last word on anything, and what He says goes. We praise God and give Him thanks because His mercy is not dependent upon another being higher than Him agreeing with His … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations
Meditation 51

Today’s Meditation Click to read: Psalm 136:1 Have you ever felt like praising God? It’s a wonderful feeling to be filled with such joy, peace and an overwhelming sense of God’s goodness that your heart seems like it will burst if your mouth doesn’t open and actually voice praise to the Creator. But let me ask you this: have you ever felt like you didn’t want to praise God? My guess is that you have. This verse … Read entire article »
Filed under: Meditations