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Meditation 79
March 19th, 2012 | Add a Comment
Click to read: Luke 5:1-11
The disciples had been following Jesus for some time. However, as we can see here, they had not completely given up their day jobs (or night jobs as it may be). Why were they out fishing the night before? Was it to simply have a time of fellowship? Was it to relax after a hard day at the evangelistic office? No, likely they were out trying to catch fish to make a living. Working for our food is a value which is (and should be) instilled in us from childhood. Scripture says that if a man does not work neither should he eat.
But what if Jesus wants you to follow after Him? What do you do then? Well, the disciples tried to do both for a while. They were trying out tentmaking, as it is called. And there’s nothing wrong with tentmaking, as Paul the Apostle would confirm. But what if Jesus Himself wants more out of you than your attentions can afford with a full or part time job? I suppose you find yourself in this situation: finding out that God really can provide.
You see, the same God who wants you to trust Him in obedience is the God who also has all power, all resources and all sufficiency for YOU. In Jesus’ Name, I ask God to fill your net, rip your net, fill your boat and nearly sink your boat with a blessing so you may see once and for all very clearly that God Himself can and will take care of you. This was all took for the disciples. After this lesson, they forsook all and followed after Him.
Be blessed with a decisive victory.
Craig Thompson
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