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The Adventures of Brother Biddle

Author: Rob Suggs
Date: 1990
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0-310-51761-3
Recommended: Yes

Anyone who ever had the opportunity to read the magazine “The Wittenburg Door” would remember the cartoons of Rob Suggs. For those of you who didn’t, too bad. But now you can enjoy the cartoons in the privacy of your own home.

Brother Biddle is a pastor who has a lot in common with about any pastor you will ever meet. He is very human and deals with the problems that will strike a chord in the heart of ministers everywhere.

Particularly humorous are the daydreams depicted in the cartoons, ranging from the imagination that he is preaching a blockbuster series on tithing to an expectant and eagerly listening crowd to his fearful “daymare” that if he goes to Europe on vacation, his temporary replacement will end up wowing his congregation to the point that his deacons will follow him overseas to get him locked up permanently in a Turkish prison.

A merry heart does good like a medicine, and Brother Biddle does his part.

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