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The Attributes of God (Exodus 33 & 34)

If you want to find out about someone, why not ask them to tell a bit
about themselves.  God does that here in Exodus when He tells
Moses who He really is.

1.  He is the LORD, Jehovah, The LORD God
This means He is sovereign, self-determining
He plans and makes it happen
The First and the Last
In Isaiah, it states that He declares the end from the beginning

2.  Compassionate and gracious God.
Caring, warmth of heart
Moves to action
Mercy/patient, love
“I’m here to help you”  (without being asked)
Politeness, no pride, humble
Condescending  (Psalm 5:8)
He treats us like we have value

3.  Slow to anger
Not quick-tempered, not mean
Not an angry person

4.  Abounds in love and faithfulness
Abounds: “I’ve got lots of love”
More than you expect
(Examples…Texas pancakes, Niagra Falls, Grand Canyon)
“I’ll be there always.”

5.  Maintains love to thousands
Thousands of generations
(Example:  Christine Dobbins and son, grandchildren, etc. David and his descendants)


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